Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Muellheim or Müllheim, Thurgau Canton

The Gubler family comes from the hometown of Müllheim, in the Canton of Thurgau which is located in the northeastern part of Switzerland. Müllheim is a small community in the hills of Thurgau. I assume that our ancestors would have raised grapes and cultivated wonderful gardens.

Although I made 3 separate appointments with the pastor from Müllheim, I was never able to find him there. I walked around the Reformed Church's grounds and visited the cemetery. They have a large cemetery a short distance from the church. It was as beautiful as any I found in Switzerland.

I hoped that even though I had heard the the cemeteries have to be recycled about every 25 years. I hoped that little Müllheim might be different because it appears to be so rural. But Switzerland has to make the best use of all of it's ground and so the plots are turned over as quickly as they rotate through the cemetery, some as old as 50 years ago, but not more.

I have never seen a cemetery so well taken care of or beautiful as the ones in Switzerland. Müllheims was among my favorite. It is strikingly beautiful. Each plot is planned as its own seperate flower garden - each one unique.

Check out hunthistories.com for more pictures of my trip to Müllheim.

Some of our family from Müllheim include:

Johannes Gubler - b. 28 Nov 1818; married
Maria Ursula Muller - born 10 Jan 1823. Both came to Utah.

Kasper Gubler - born 1 Aug 1835; married
Anna Katherina Gubler - born 22 Nov 1825. Both came to Utah

Hans Heinrich Gubler - born 9 Feb 1783; married
Anna Margaratha Dinkel - born 12 Dec 1793; Both died in CH in 1851.

Hans Adam Gubler - born 9 Oct 1757; married
Anna Dorothea Ruckstuhl - born 14 April 1754.

Other family can be found at familysearch.org. Films with records from Müllheim at the LDS FHL include :#957926, #957928, #1958931 items 3-5. These films are available to order to your local LDS Family History Library.


mom said...

I think we somehow are cousins - maybe distant!

A Hunt Wood said...

That's awesome