Friday, March 14, 2008

Our Sacred Grove

One of my favorite places to visit was on the shores of the Bodensee. It had a sacred feel for me. I walked along the water entering near Seedorf (Münsterlingen) and walked up the path to just east of the Kantansspital Hospital in Münsterlingen.

This is where the early baptisms took place. There are two natural indentions in the banks of the sea in that area where baptisms took place. The vegetation is just amazing as you see the trees along the path that would have been there at the time our early ancestors where there.

Luckily, I was the only one on the path at that time. I was able to go at the pace I wanted and just really take my time to enjoy this opportunity. I had just looked at the records of the baptisms in the early Swiss mission.  This was a real highlight of my trip, and a sacred experience for me.  

Don't rush through this one.
Max dropped me off at the red star mark and I walked until I was just below the hospital.

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